Category Archives: Mantis Professional Solutions

3 Secrets to Get Rid of Rodents That are Immune to Poison

 Rodents are evolving and becoming immune to poison. That means the way you control rats [...]

7 Ways to Control Mosquitoes at Outdoor Weddings and Events

Have you ever been feasted on by mosquitoes while you are just enjoying the night [...]

Types of Roaches in Missouri and Kansas

Cockroaches. Even the word is enough to make you shudder. They’re some of the most [...]

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes from Inside Your Home

If you’re here, you likely have a problem; you’re sick of finding mosquitoes in your [...]

What to expect after a Bedbug Treatment

Usually, recruiting an exterminator would always be the end of a bedbug infestation. But if [...]

9 Bedbug Statistics You Should Know

Bedbugs are annoying pests; and due to what seems like rare occurrences, they are probably [...]

How to Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes this Summer

With no doubt mosquitoes are the deadliest animals in the world. Statistics shows that mosquitoes [...]

5 Common Pests for the Summer of 2016

As your local pest exterminators we see several types of pests on a given day. [...]

Signs of Rodent Infestations | Rodent Control

Rodents: they invade your home, destroying walls, furniture, and clothing. They eat your food, and [...]

Don’t let Pests Ruin Your Summer | Things to Do In Lee’s Summit

Don’t Let Pests Ruin Your Summer Pests can ruin your day. They can cause damage [...]