Though we’re always trying to find new ways to banish bugs from our homes, yards and gardens, sometimes we overlook solutions which are right in front of us, and which can serve as a preventative measure against bugs – the step before calling pest control in Overland Park

The way you choose to map out, plant and landscape your garden has an enormous effect on how many bugs will make your yard their home. As such, here are 8 landscaping tips which you can use to drastically reduce the bug population in your yard, so you can safely go outside without being bitten, buzzed at, or landed on:


Cut the grass.

As simple as it is effective, making sure your lawn stays trim is one of the top ways that you can reduce the bugs in your yard or garden. Bugs such as snails, caterpillars, fleas and ticks are among the few critters which are drawn to long blades of grass, as lengthy grass is easier for the critters to cling on to, and it also helps to hide them from predators.


Grow some bug-repelling plants.

Though plants, in general, often attract bugs to the garden, due to their sweet fragrance, and nourishing nectar, there are a number of shrubs and flowers which deter insects from your yard – usually because they find these plants’ unique scents repellent, or because they contain chemicals toxic to certain bugs.

Chrysanthemums are among the most infamous bug repelling plants – and for good reason. They repel all sorts of critters, including cockroaches, beetles, silverfish, ticks, and ants, since they contain a compound – pyrethrum – which is poisonous to insects. Other bug-busting flower are petunias, who deter insects such as beetles, leafhoppers and aphids.


Consider removing certain plants.

Some plants are more conducive to increasing the bug population in your yard. Plants with curved leaves, for example, tend to store water on their surface, which bugs like mosquitoes can lay their eggs on. Moreover, sweet smelling plants such as lavender attract insects such as bees and wasps. So, if you want to minimise the bug population in your garden, make sure to do some research on what kind of plants to avoid – by ridding your garden of bug-beloved plants, you’re effectively carrying out your own pest control in Overland Park.


Choose the right mulch.

Not all mulch is created equal – some types of mulch are more likely to attract bugs to your yard, and depends on a number of factors. As a rule of thumb, by choosing an organic mulch, you are increasing your garden’s attractiveness to bugs: more on this in this article Types of Mulch that attract bugs.


Ensure there’s a buffer between mulch and the house.

If you position your chosen mulch too close to the house – especially if it’s of organic origin – you’re essentially asking for bugs too wander into your home, especially termites. So, to keep your house safe from critters, make sure there’s at least 2 feet between your house, (especially the foundation) and the mulch.


Think twice about lighting.

That isn’t to say that garden lighting is an absolute no-go, it just depends what you prioritise. If you’re really not a fan of moths, and other flying insects, then it’s probably best that you give the lighting a miss; if you’re more of a cockroach-loather, on the other hand, then garden lighting might be just what your garden needs. Regardless, though, if you put lights near your doors or windows, you’re dramatically increasing your chances of having a home invasion.


Minimise how much of your garden is in shade.

Bugs don’t like being exposed to direct sunlight, and prefer cool, dark, damp places. So, when your garden has lots of these shaded areas for bugs to take shelter in, you’re likely to attract more into your yard.

To reduce the shade in your garden, you can trim and prune your trees and hedges, to decrease how much they overshadow the garden. Moreover, you should ensure that the various plants and flowers that you have in your garden are spaced apart, so that the soil underneath isn’t continuously in shade, due to many overlapping leaves.


Make sure to rid your garden of leaves and debris.

As leaves and other organic matter rot and decay, they release compounds which attract bugs to your garden, who relish the chance to get some cellulose-based nutrition. Not only do piles of leaves attract hordes of mini-beasts, they also attract mice and rats who are keen to make a meal of the creepy crawlies, so make sure to dispose of debris and fall leaves before they start to pile up.

So, if you want to say goodbye to the bugs that bug you in your yard or garden, be sure to use these easy bug-busting landscaping tips, to reclaim ownership of your yard for good. If your garden continues to be rife with creepy crawlies, however, be sure to check out pest control services or call or fill out the form to talk to one of our bug experts.