Category Archives: Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs In Overland Park: Steps to Prevent Them Entering Your Home

Bed bugs are one of the most notorious pests that can infest your house. They [...]

Importance of Regular Pest Control for residential Areas

Good maintenance of a residential area is more than just keeping your home clean and [...]

How Long Should Pest Control Last?

When you hire a pest control service, you might be wondering how long could the [...]

The Legal Action You Can Take if You Get Bed Bugs (Through No Fault of Your Own)

Bed bugs are a nightmare. Besides causing you pain, distress, and loss of sleep, the [...]

Can Bed Bugs Survive Outside in the Heat?

Everyone is familiar with the fact that bed bugs create big discomfort and can be [...]

The Odds of Getting Bedbugs in Overland Park

While Kansas, as a state, is among the least infested with bed bugs, they are [...]

Seeing Dead Bedbugs After Treatment: What It Means

If you’ve recently had your home treated for bed bugs, and you’ve started finding remains [...]

How to Get Rid of Bugs from In Your Car

Have you found that you’ve been carrying some extra, unwanted passengers recently? If so, it [...]

Pest Control Tips for Commercial Buildings

Pests are creepy creatures that buzz, crawl around causing damage and are also likely to [...]

Back to School Bugs | Bedbug and Lice Prevention & Treatment

School is back in session, and many families worry about catching bugs. Generally, it is [...]