It always seems to be the worst day when you find that your home is infested with pests. You will try anything to get rid of them from DIY tips on pest control to finding a pest control company near you to get rid of them for you. A recent study by North Carolina State University in the US states that as many as 570 species of pests coming under 304 families are found in our homes. You won’t see all of these pests in Overland Park, but there are some to beware of. It is important to note that not all pests are dangerous. Some pests are more dangerous than others, but most of them cause damage to your home in many ways. Here is how some local pests cause damage to your house and the things you consider valuable in it:
- Powder post beetles: these come under the subfamily Lyctinae, and these Lyctid beetles have the habit of attacking hardwood items in your house. They target wood items like hardwood flooring, molding, doors, cabinets, and other hardwood furniture. You have to look closely on the hardwood items, and you can find small 1/32 to 1/16 inch diameter circular holes in wood which is an indication of the presence of these beetles. When they are active on your hardwood items, you can see very fine sawdust at the opening of the round holes. As they bring down the value of the hardwood floors, cabinets, doors and windows, these beetles drastically reduce the overall price/ value of your home.
- Carpenter Ants: these ants are called structural ants and are found in most parts of the world. They do not eat the wood items but they have powerful jaws that are used by them to hollow the wood items made of Pine, Fir or other wood types. Even if they do not make holes in the wooden items, they form their colonies inside the hollow areas in the wooden doors, behind the insulation panels or the Styrofoam insulation. These are considered to be wood destroyers, and hence in North America, these are to be reported in all real estate transactions.
- Rats and Mice are some of the most damaging pests you can find in a house. These are the carriers of a host of bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing pathogens. Apart from this
potential danger of causing a variety of infections, their real danger lies in the damage they cause to anything bitable and chewable in your home. Nothing can escape their sharp teeth, and they can damage anything right from wooden furniture to wiring, to clothing and even wooden walls and insulation panels. They are a real headache, and they cause damage on all fronts and hence it is better to take all possible control measures as soon as you notice their presence of these unbearable critters in your home.
- Rats and Mice are some of the most damaging pests you can find in a house. These are the carriers of a host of bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing pathogens. Apart from this
- German Cockroaches: these are unhealthy and unwanted in any home as they cause damage to your home and your family in many ways. The mere presence of these roaches in your neighborhood will give rise to many allergies and asthma. Their feces and dry dropped skin is full of pathogens. Though these do not cause direct damage to your home by destroying your items of furniture or other items, they attract many other rodents that cause damage to your belongings in the house.
- Fire Ants: These are considered a significant pest in most parts of the world. These ants live in large colonies and drastically reduce the aesthetics and livability of your home as they crawl everywhere on anything you have in your home foraging for food. When left uncontrolled for sufficient lengths of time they can cause extensive damage to transformer boxes, air conditioning systems, electrical relays, and switches, causing short circuits and sudden total power outages. As they can cause an electrical fire, they are dangerous in your home and hence take immediate steps to get rid of them.
- Bed bugs: are the real menaces in any home. When they have invaded your home, you can literally be losing sleep. Though they are not capable of spreading any disease-causing bacteria or viruses, their mere presence in the house itself will make you feel frustrated. Although their bites don’t usually cause serious problems bedbug bites are annoying. Bed bugs also cause severe staining on the furniture, bedding and other things that offer a place for them to hide. Though it is hard to get rid of, professional extermination services if engaged at the right time can be effective in getting your home free of bed bugs. You can learn more about our bed bug treatments and see which is best for you if you run into these pests, but we also recommend setting up bed bug trap through our bed bug monitoring program to save you money if you ever get bedbugs
- Spiders: these are crawly little giants that give a horrible look to your home by filling the corners and roofing with their webs. If you ignore them for long your new home will have a look of antiquity and hence it becomes necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible. They do not cause any direct harm to your home, but some of the rare species of spiders can bite you or your family members and sometimes their venom may cause health problems. Most common house spiders in Kansas are not dangerous, but there are few spiders native to Kansas you should watch out for such as the brown recluse and the black widow. Check our spider control services in Overland Park to learn more about these spiders, and how we protect your home from them.
- Silverfish: these tiny insects do not carry or spread any disease, or they do not chew or damage wooden items in your home. But they are extremely attracted to starchy, sugary items in your home and they can invade your food items and attack items like your wallpaper and reduce them to bits and powder when given sufficient time. They multiply fast and can attack your food packets and cause a lot of wastage in your kitchen. They are particularly dangerous to old books and papers kept stored in damp conditions. They can reduce these into shreds and destroy anything of value in these items.
These are only some of the most common ways pests destroy your home. Protect your home and those you love by keeping your home safe from pests. Most people don’t understand that pest control just doesn’t stop bug bites or keeping creepy and annoying bugs away, but pest control protects the value of your home. Call us today to get a free quote on our residential and commercial pest control services in Overland Park and surrounding areas.
or more information about our commercial pest control services, call Mantis Pest Solutions today at (816) 287-5030 or (913) 225-7060.
Ty Hawkins, also known as Ty the Bug Guy, has been in the pest exterminator for several years and exterminated pests all over the country. Ty has worked for many companies including Orkin and Terminix.
While working for these companies he realized he could offer a more friendly and personal service. He called Rick and together they started Mantis Pest Solutions and now offer pest control in Overland Park and Lee’s Summit. Ty’s goal is to make Mantis more than just your local pest control company, but a business that constantly is giving back the community as well.
Quickly after a few services, Ty became known as Ty the Bug Guy. Feeling a bigger need to help people with their pest infestations he created his own pest control tip blog to better serve the local community and those all over the country with their pest issues.
When Ty isn’t helping residents of the Kansas City area get rid of their pests or posting about pest control tips Ty enjoys spending time with his family. They love traveling, playing board games and trying new restaurants. When you call in for a pest control quote don’t forget to talk about some of the great places to eat or things to do in Kansas City.
You can also read some of his most popular pest control tips and articles below:
Frequently Asked Questions about Pest Control
5 Things your Pest Control Technician wants you to Understand
How to Bed Bug Proof Your Luggage
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