For many homeowners one of the constant battles they need to fight each year is keeping moles out of their yards and gardens. Moles do have their place and they can be beneficial at times . For instance, the tunneling that a mole does helps to aerate and loosen up the soil which aids in plant growth. Moles also eat pests that can destroy gardens. While these attributes can be beneficial, most homeowners are looking for simple and effective methods on how to control moles in their lawn. In this article we will lay out 3 simple  steps the average homeowner can do to keep lawn moles under control.

Step 1: Identify and Verify the Presence of Moles

By far the most important step in the process is to properly verify that it is in fact moles that are destroying your lawn, and if so, to locate the main tunnels that the moles are using. This can generally be pretty easy to do as you will be able to spot mounds of soil that the moles use to create the tunnels. Once you’ve identified the mole tunnels that are used frequently you should then clear away the mound of soil and look for the opening into the tunnels. This is typically a passage that goes down a few inches into the main tunnel. In this tunnel you can place mole traps or mole bait. 

Step 2: Implement a Mole Control Method

The two most typical methods of controlling moles in the yard are either with mole traps or mole bait. Using traps is typically the easiest in the spring and fall seasons when moles are most active. If you trap in the spring you can also eliminate the females who are pregnant further reducing the population of moles. Ideally you should begin your trapping after a rain as the soil will be easier to work with. In the summer and winter months the mole tunnels are typically deeper in the soil and harder to access. When trapping, try to locate the active tunnels by stepping on a mound to mark the location. After you have done that, wait a couple of days and see if the tunnel has opened back up. If so, this will tell you there is mole activity in this area and this is where you should place your trap. 

If you elect to use mole bait you can expect quick results if the moles eat the bait. These specialized baits contain lethal doses of an active ingredient that will kill the mole typically in 24 hours once consumed.

Step 3: Make Sure Moles Don’t Come Back

Once you’ve eliminated the existing moles in your yard there are a few simple things that you can do to make your yard as uninviting as possible to the next mole who decides he’d like to call your yard home. 

First, kill any grubs or insects in your yard. Moles invade a yard in search of food. A moles primary source of food includes grubs, worms, and insects in yards. If your yard does not contain any of those they will more than likely decide to move onto the next yard. You can eliminate these things by using products found in most big box hardware stores that are specifically labeled to control grubs, ants, crickets, and other lawn insects.

Next, make sure that you do not overwater your lawn. Moles love soft soil and wet soil. By making sure you do not over water your lawn you can help to reduce mole activity. Watering requirements vary depending on your location, but most lawns only need an inch of water each week to remain healthy. Keeping it at this amount will help to keep moles out of your yard.

Finally, you can apply repellents to your yard to help keep it non welcoming to lawn moles. There are both granules you can apply and sprays that contain ingredients that smell and taste horrible to moles. If using mole repellents you should apply this to your yard monthly to keep them from coming back.

If moles have decided to call your yard home they can cause extensive damage to the yard you have worked hard to maintain. By following these simple steps you can both eliminate the moles that are in your yard currently and help to make it unlikely that they will return anytime soon.

About the Author:

Mike Charles is the owner of Unified Pest Control. Unified is a Grand Rapids Mole Control company that specializes in all forms of pest control including lawn moles.