Owning a business in Lee’s Summit, Overland Park, or anywhere in the Greater Kansas area comes with lots of responsibilities. One responsibility that most people don’t realize needs to be taken care of unless they have a pest infestation or are worried about a health code, is pest control. The common household pests can be more than just pests in a business setting. They can hurt your bottom line and reputation. Here are some of the risks of not having a commercial pest control service Health Threat: Most companies, like restaurants, are aware of the need to have pest control. No one wants to have a cockroach in their chili or see a mouse scurrying under their feet while eating. Even if the pests are not visible they help spread disease on items. Places such as hotels, daycares, and retailers with products that people consume or handle have to be very careful that pests don’t contaminate anything their customers interact with. However, these types of businesses are not alone with health risks. All businesses where a person visits, even a home business,  runs the risk of a customer getting stung by a wasp if a good wasp control program is not in place. Damage Building and Equipment: In warehouses, manufacturing plants, or rental properties rodents are some of your biggest problems. Rodents can chew through electrical wires, damaged products, and product packaging, among leaving their droppings in the most inconvenient places. The most common damage is structural damage. Structural damage will not only can be an eyesore, but be costly to repair. Wood destroying pests like termites and carpenter ants are extremely harmful if you own the property. You probably had a termite inspection upon buying the building, but regular termite control checks are always safe where they can cause thousands in damage. If you are selling furniture, or clothes, or have places that people commonly sit, you should also be wary of bed bugs. Harm Your Reputation: Have you ever heard of the bedbug registry? Most people have heard of it but if you haven’t we are sure you will use it before you check into your next hotel. Bed Bug Registry is a place where people report businesses; particularly hotels where they have seen bed bugs.  In today’s world reviews are powerful. Chances are before you even consider using our commercial pest control service in Overland Park or Lee’s Summit you are going to check the respective offices pest control reviews. Many negative reviews that people leave on business profiles isn’t only with customer service, but bugs. People don’t like seeing bugs especially at restaurants, spas, day care, and many others. Be an Annoyance to your customers and employees: Lastly, pests can be just down right annoying. Everyone has been in a meeting where that fly is buzzing around and  is distracting everyone so no one can focus on the presentation. Another common problem are those ants in the break room. Although most ants aren’t really harmful, they may be distracting your workers when they leave the break room wondering if they really should be eating their food in there. As you can see pest control for your business and home have very different consequences. Pests in your business can cause structural damage, violate health codes, ruin your company’s reputation, and just be plain annoying.  As with residential pest control, DIY pest control is not the best answer for your business. Storing and applying product incorrectly can be more hazardous than the pests themselves. That is why it is always important to have a certified exterminator.  We always recommend businesses to look at using a local pest control company rather than attempting it themselves. This not only could cause more problems, but cost you more money. If you are in Lee’s Summit, Overland Park, or any of the surrounding cities and need pest control for your business give us a call.

For more information about our commercial pest control services, call Mantis Pest Solutions today at (816) 287-5030 or (913) 225-7060.

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Ty Hawkins, also known as Ty the Bug Guy, has been in the pest exterminator for several years and exterminated pests all over the country. Ty has worked for many companies including Orkin and Terminix. While working for these companies he realized he could offer a more friendly and personal service. He called Rick and together they started Mantis Pest Solutions and now offer pest control in Overland Park and Lee’s Summit. Ty’s goal is to make Mantis more than just your local pest control company, but a business that constantly is giving back the community as well. Quickly after a few services, Ty became known as Ty the Bug Guy. Feeling a bigger need to help people with their pest infestations he created his own pest control tip blog to better serve the local community and those all over the country with their pest issues. When Ty isn’t helping residents of the Kansas City area get rid of their pests or posting about pest control tips Ty enjoys spending time with his family. They love traveling, playing board games and trying new restaurants. When you call in for a pest control quote don’t forget to talk about some of the great places to eat or things to do in Kansas City. Message Ty the Bug Guy

You can also read some of his most popular pest control tips and articles below:

Frequently Asked Questions about Pest Control 5 Things your Pest Control Technician wants you to Understand How to Bed Bug Proof Your Luggage   [testimonials] [su_button url=”https://mantispestsolutions.com/contact/” background=”#4FAD4F” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″]Get a Free Quote[/su_button]