About Ticks In Overland Park
When we think of bugs that are harmful to our health, we think of mosquitoes, due to the fame they’ve gained due to the multitude of diseases these mini-beasts carry, and transfer from person to person. This means that other potentially harmful insects are often overlooked, and the necessary measures aren’t taken to deal with these hazardous pests.
Ticks are most commonly found in woodland areas, but more and more, they are coming into people’s yards and gardens and clinging to the grass. More than clinging to, and sucking the blood, from your pets (especially dogs), some species of tick will drink the blood of any mammal- including humans. This is a problem because they are the number one carrier of Lyme disease, an illness which can be fatal for dogs, and cause symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, and flu-like symptoms in humans (and if left untreated, can become more serious).
How Do You Know If You Have Ticks In Your Yard Or Home?
The first indicator that you have ticks in your garden is if you find ticks in your pets’ fur. If you don’t have any pets, however, ticks– part of the spider family –are large enough to be easily visible to the naked eye, so you can do a DIY check of the garden.
For most of their lifetime, ticks will hide in clumps of leaves until the weather conditions are right- warm, but humid. Then, they will venture into the grass, using the blades of grass as stepping stones to get to their human/animal prey. So, you can physically check your grass lawn in ‘ideal’ weather conditions, to see if you have any unwanted visitors.

How Do You Get Rid Of Ticks In Your Lawn Or Yard?
The easiest way to treat your lawn for ticks, is to hire the professionals to carry out tick control in your yard, and to spray your garden with specialist insecticide. More than this, the tick control specialists in Overland Park can answer any of your tick/pest-related questions and provide you with a plan for future tick control problems.
What Preventative Measures Can You Take To Ensure They Don’t Return?
While spraying your lawn to exterminate the invading ticks works wonders, this isn’t enough to ensure that the problem won’t return in the future. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to reduce the attractiveness of your lawn to ticks.
Ticks prefer long blades of grass and, as briefly mentioned earlier, they spend a lot of their lives hidden in piles of leaves. So, if you make sure to declutter your yard/garden of leaves and debris, and regularly mow your lawn, you significantly decrease your chances of acquiring a tick infestation.
So, if you think you have a tick infestation in your yard/lawn and need tick control in Lee’s Summit or Overland Park, call Mantis Pest Solutions today, to get rid of ticks from your yard for good.
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