Of all the flying insects, wasps are right up there with mosquitoes in terms of annoyance and danger. Unlike pests that can be deterred by sprays, their nests must also be removed, and preventative measures should be taken. in this article, we will answer the following questions:
- Why do wasps keep returning?
- Will Wasps return to a sprayed nest
- Do wasps return to the same nest each year?
- Can I get rid of a wasp nest myself?
- When should you spray a wasp nest?
- How long does a wasp next last?
- How to Keep Wasps from Coming Back? (Wasp Prevention)
Why do wasps keep returning?
Wasps are attracted to various smells, including but not limited to sweet things, individual plants, pet or bird food, uncovered trashcans, and strong perfumes and lotion. Pools of water can also be turned into food and energy, so any stagnant water from pools or birdbaths also attracts them.
Among these items, they also need safe nesting grounds where they will be protected from the elements. Places like eves, sheds, and children’s playground equipment are common places to find them.
Unlike other insects like ants, where you can spray a barrier and know they won’t come back for a while, wasps are flying insects, and spraying a nest only kills wasps that have contact with that nest.
If you spray and remove the next in a short time, wasps may return but are unlikely to build a new nest in the same location. If you see a nest in the same area, it is likely created by a different swarm.
Will Wasps return to a sprayed nest?
Any wasp that was not in the nest when the pesticide was applied wasps will likely return. Depending on the product used when they enter, the pesticide will eventually affect them. If they sense danger or see the damage, they may not enter and look for another hive to accept them. It can be hard to tell if a wasp has returned and is active in the nest even after a day of applying, and it is recommended to exercise caution and wear protective coverings when removing the nest.
Do wasps return to the same nest each year?
It may look like the same wasps are returning each year, but generally that is a new nest. Wasps have identifed that spot as a safe place for building their nest. Now We woudln’t recommend leaving nests up all year round, but wasps never use the same nest again after it has been abandoned. This is why fake nests can deter other wasps from building a next in the same area.
Can I get rid of a wasp nest myself?
Of course, you can, but should you is a whole other question. Wasps can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Most people who try to get rid of wasps on their own use water or fire that not only are not very effective but can cause damage to your property or yourself.
The best way to get rid of nests is to use a pesticide to make sure all the wasps are dead before removing the nest, and that can take a while depending on the product you use. Most products you can buy are not as effective as a product a pest exterminator. The wasp nest should then be removed. Since wasps are flying insects this will need to be done regularly as new swarms will try and inhabit your home. We recommend adding wasp next removal to your home maintenance calendar as a reminder so you remove them regularly. If you are in need of a home maintenance calendar here is one we recommend that helps remind you when to takes down the nests, spray for pests, and other tasks to help you maintain your home.
Removing a wasp nest yourself can be done, but it can be dangerous and costly, as mentioned. We recommended having a pest control company remove the nest as they are better equipped and help eliminate other pests on your property.
When should you spray a wasp nest?
You can spray wasps at any time of the day, but we recommended to spray closer to dawn and dusk. This is because the wasps are less active at those times. The keyword is less active; you still run a chance of getting stung if you spray during these times.
You will notice most pest exterminators don’t have the luxury to wait until dark to remove the nests. Although it is recommended to be done at night with the correct equipment and training, a nest can be removed at any time of the day.
How long does a wasp nest last?
This really depends on how long you choose to leave the next up there. According to the Ames Group, wasp nests will be there as a structure until removed, but wasps actively living in the next can last three to four months. Generally, the wasps will move away naturally as temperatures begin to drop. Depending on how and when you choose to get rid of the wasps it could take anywhere between 1-3 days.
How to Keep Wasps from Coming Back? (Wasp Prevention)
As you have read this article, we hope you understand that the same swarm of wasps is not returning and building a new nest, but a new hive is now occupying the nesting ground. Here are ways you can prevent wasps from your yard.
- Remove and spray for nests Quarterly and as they appear.
- Keep a clean yard
- Use a wasp trap (Note that this does not eliminate your wasp problem if nests are on your property. Wasp Removal + Wasp Traps = Wasp Prevention
- Seal Waste Bins
- Seal Cracks
- Buy Decoy Nests ( Effective, but not visually appealing)
Professional Wasp Removal
If you are looking for a professional wasp removal service in Overland Park or Lee’s Summit, we would be happy to help. The best part is we do not charge extra for nest removals. It is part of your regular quarterly service where we remove wasp nests, spray them, and spray for other pests such as spiders, ants, crickets, and more. Our RestEasy solution is affordable, effective, and prevents you from any hard by trying to get rid of wasps yourself.
If you are having troubles with other flying insects please read “How to Get rid of Flying Insects from your Yard“